WTF Menopause!?! Episode 8

Episode 8 Show notes:

Happy New Year!!  Let’s start 2020 feeling F*$king Fantastic!  Luckily, we have the BEST person on the show to kick 2020 off right – Dr. Jenn Hatfield who is the creator of the F*$king Fantastic program!  I’m so excited to share this very special episode with you!

In this episode, Dr. Jenn shares:

1. Her personal journey with menopause.

2. Cycle roulette!  Ha. and “go with the flow”  And why it’s so important to do just that!

3. Beginning and honing her intuitive skills with her patients – and how that’s grown into a full intuitive practice.

4. Why it was so important to listen to her intuition.  And one of her early experiences with sharing that insight with her patients.

5. The development of her skills and sharing it with others even more.

6. Clair cognizance and what that’s all about.

7.  Is everyone intuitive?  

8. The relevancy of her work to menopause.

9. What each of us can do that super simple to help you with your symptoms.

10. The medical profession and the challenges women face.

11. Are menopausal women more receptive to intuition?

12. What happened when she resisted her intuition.

13. What it means to have a F*$king Fantastic life.

14. The difference between expansive and contracted space in the world today.

15. Women have been taught not to trust our bodies – and what that means for us in menopause.

16. Why we struggle even do the things we KNOW we need to do but somehow can’t make it happen.

17. How we can address problems that happened in childhood to create better possibilities for us.

18. Dr. Jenn’s 3 steps to improve our menopausal journey!  She’s got some goodies!


“Develop a friendship with yourself first.”

“We have physical scars, or physical contractions–limitations, that have developed over the years.  But we also have mental, emotional, and spiritual ones as well.”

“I can trust myself, my confidence, and my own power — my own abilities, to be able to respond and get through whatever might show up.”

“A lot of the women I work with, and for myself too, we’ve had bad experiences in the medical profession, with experts, with healers, being disregarded, being rushed, being invalidated…there can be so much trauma there.”

“We have an amazing capacity to heal.”

“Once I identified that I could choose to be in this energy state, then I had to get clear on what that meant.”

“It sucks to feel like we don’t belong . . . and I don’t want any women to feel that a minute longer than they already have.”

“We have this amazing ability within ourself to show up as our fucking fantastic, unique selves and in doing that, not only love and enjoy our life but have such an impact on everyone else that we interact with and spend time with everyday.”  

“I really want women to come to a place that they KNOW they’re loved, they KNOW they belong, they know they’re deserving and worthy and knowing that showing up in confidence without the layers and layers of armor that they literally can be who they are.”

Find Dr. Jenn here:

FREE from Dr. Jenn just for WTF listeners:

Free guide to the 5 Ways Keto Reduces Menopausal Weight Gain

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