Menopause doesn't have to suck.

In fact, these years can be filled with FUN, happiness, and joy!

I teach women how to reclaim their bodies and emotions so they can find happiness in this next phase of life.

In 90 days you’ll be able to regain control of your body AND emotions.

And we’re not talking about moving mountains either.

Small changes = real results

My clients begin to feel the changes in their bodies within the first week or two.

So many women have worked for years to find relief are thrilled to finally feel better in such a short time!

Happiness is right around the corner.

Don’t “wait out” your symptoms.  The average length of peri-menopause is 4 years, but can be as long as 10.  That’s simply too long to hide from your life.

You can find your happiness again.  Instead of constantly saying “What the F#*K Menopause!” you can have your life back and enjoy what this stage of life has to offer.

Your menopause journey is unique to you.  Every woman experiences this transformation differently.  This means that I don’t use a cookie-cutter approach.  We use my tools but we adapt them together to create a program that best suits your unique needs.

Here’s how it works:

1.  Nutritional Health.

Together, we map out a plan that best suits your menopausal body.  Many women find that their “old tricks” aren’t working anymore and they’re also tired of the yo-yo-ing.  If you’re ready to create a real, sustainable lifestyle change, this program is for you.

2.  Mindset Blueprint.

We work together to build a blueprint that works for you, not me, not Susie Q or anyone else.  You will use your unique blueprint to reimagine menopause as a natural and beautiful transformation.

3.  Body Connection.

The last step is to develop a deeper connection to your body in this transition to create the space to trust your body.  This deep, inner wisdom will guide you through your symptoms, so that the decisions you make will come from a place of peace and not fear.

Once you’ve completed the program, just like a butterfly, you’ll be ready to fly into the next phase of life. Live in FUN, joy and happiness, without menopausal symptoms holding you back.

Want to know more?   

Site content is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this site!