WTF Menopause!?! Episode 4

Show Notes

Episode 4/Kristen Hartnagel Show Notes

In this episode Kristen shares how she uses spirituality to help her through her symptoms of menopause.  She is a powerful spiritual being who is a blessing in my life and I’m so happy you get to hear her wisdom here!

In this episode, Kristen shares:

  1. Her background with surgical menopause and her symptoms.
  2. How she defines surrender in a spiritual context.
  3. The biggest impact that she’s experienced spiritually through menopause. 
  4. What we could do to improve our spiritual journeys in this time of life.
  5. The difference between putting out versus receiving energy and how to be intentional to receiving what is there for you help you in your journey.
  6. What the BIG KEY is for a lot of us in this journey.
  7. Kristin’s feeling about the B.S. factor that happens during this time of life.
  8. Three small steps that Kristen believes that will help you in your journey.
  9. Kristen’s favorite affirmation “How could it get any better than this?” and the story behind it.
  10. What books and resources that Kristen recommends for this time of life.
  11. Kristen’s weight loss shout out!


“Surrendering is having that faith that its all going to work out ok.  It’s in your hands, however you define that, whether it’s god or the universe, just the faith in knowing and the luxury of life experience.  Everything does work out and I can relax and I don’t have to control it.” “What is mine to do. I don’t need to be in Shouldville. Show me what is mine to do.”

“Too many of us are just looking at the reality of what’s in front of us instead of imagining what we would like things to be.”

“There is a grieving in this new body and feeling out of control was an adjustment.”

“We are at choice.  We feel like these things are happening to us and so I have no control.  Acknowledge what is. But it is what is and now what?” I could spend all my time listing all the ways my body has let me down or now that I’m even more irritable and things are getting work.  Give that time to give the best of you.

“Life is like contractions and expansion.  And it’s reliable as breathing.”


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Resources mentioned:

Conversations with God by Neil Donald Walsh

The Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton

Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza

The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden

All things Mike Dooley including Notes from the Universe, Manifesting Change, Infinite Possibilities, Playing the Matrix…and more

HeartMath Institute 

Free guide to the 5 Ways Keto Reduces Menopausal Weight Gain

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